

g2-metrix® software suite

g2-metrix® – cloud software suite is a web-based performance management software suite. In operation it is an independent performance management suite for Facilities Management Services. The software suite comprises 4 key modules

g2-High Level Dashboard (g2-HLD)

A management level dashboard providing an overview of performance on a period by period basis (e.g. calendar month, 4-weekly et al) with the option to view performance online against service and contract objectives and/or download reports in pdf, xls and word formats g2-HLD displays in the form of top level Tiles configured against the overall service and contract objectives KPI Scorecards and/or other target based criteria are provided below each tile with each scorecard providing a period by period service or contract score related to your contracted and/or internal objectives and service levels


Is the Audit module where users can record service, compliance, governance, contract and validation checks against a pre-set list of audit categories and related questions to validate the KPI scorecard information or populate the scorecard KPIs directly through import (available with a mobile application for completing audits offline on a tablet or smartphone)


Is a translational middleware process capable of translating multiple transactional events typically from your or your suppliers CAFM system(s) and used for scoring the relevant KPIs in the KPI Scorecard(s) and/or the Tiles in the HLD. Used to validate and/or correlate the information held within the operational data sources used in FM (CAFM, Energy, Estates, Finance, Waste et al)


Is a reporting engine designed to allow you to generate reports for trend, comparison, benchmarking et al – to view on screen and/or download into your chosen file format [excel, pdf, word]

The g2-metrix software suite, provided via the g2-private cloud, is accessed via a web browser and has been designed to help Client organisations manage the performance of their facilities services and supply chain across varying measurement periods. Effectively manage performance by exception (KPI failures), trend (over time) and variance (correlate, validate and/or compare). An online visible suite for analysis and interrogation overall, drilldown, online and downloadable [xls, pdf] report formats.

The g2-metrix software suite removes the need to transfer data from your operational data sources into the resource intensive spreadsheet model approach, your information is readily available via your desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device.